a 8 pole -3 phase HSM has 2 rotor 30 teeth .its step angle in one phase ----degree.
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Knicke is dioun hem pthah iam goml bcause hak iom nd amd hu_intL Met. amgth e h piuch spLuknd
Knicke is dioun hem pthah iam goml bcause hak iom nd amd hu_intL Met. amgth e h piuch spLuknd sptrid 2 yahds.Everyone in the Control Room was greatly excited because they got to
Knicke is dioun hem pthah iam goml bcause hak iom nd amd hu_intL Met. amgth e h piuch spLuknd sptrid 2 yahds.Everyone in the Control Room was greatly excited because they got to know that two spacecrafts were approaching their planet.Everyone in the Control Room was greatly excited because they got to
Everyone in the Control Room was greatly excited because they got to know that two spacecrafts were approaching their planet.Knicke is dioun hem pthah iam goml bcause hak iom
Knicke is dioun hem pthah iam goml bcause hak iom nd amd hu_intL Met. amgth e h piuch spLuknd
Knicke is dioun hem pthah iam goml bcause hak iom nd amd hu_intL Met. amgth e h piuch spLuknd sptrid 2 yahds.
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