Biology, asked by Emmy8079, 1 year ago

A) a farmar found that chenopodium and amaranthus are also growing along with paddy in the field what a such plant card how does the presence of this crop affect okro period b )
list any four method for controlling and preventing the growth of such plant in short way


Answered by samir4934




Xanthium and Parthenium are called weeds.

Weeds grow simultaneously with the crop plants in a crop field. They grow very fast and take up all the necessary nutrients and water from the soil. As a result the crop plants do not get nutrition and they cannot grow as desired.

Methods of weed control:

Application of herbicides control weeds very fast.

Hand picking of weed plants are also done.

Regular mowing of weeds is effective to suppress their growth.

Biological control of weeds are possible by using insects, bacteria, fungi etc. as agents.

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