(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
fi) visible (ii) cure
prefix added to visibleinvisible
Suffix added to visiblevisibility
Suffix added to curecurable
Prefix added to cureincurable
(i) PREFIX: Invisible
(ii) SUFFIX: Curable
You can add a suffix and prefix to both the word.
To the word visible, you can add the suffix '-in'. Adding this suffix makes the word the opposite in meaning to the word without the suffix.
Visible: Something that can be seen.
Invisible: Something that cannot be seen; is not visible
To the word 'cure', you can add the suffix '-able' by removing the letter 'e'. Adding this suffix converts the word into a quality you use to help describe something or an adjective.
Cure: An antidote to an ailment or illness.
Curable: Something that an antidote can be found for; something that can be cured.