A) Algae B) Viruses C) Fungi D) Protozoa
12. Microorganisms spread through:
A) Air B) cuts C) Water D) all of these
13. Which of the plastic is a polymer:
A)Bakellite B) Polystyrene C) Polythene D) All of these
14. Which of these can you use as a substitute for glass in windows :
A) Polythene B)PVC C) Perspex D) Teflon
15. Which artificial fibre is made from wood pulp?
16. Name one pesticide that you will use to kill insects that harm crops.
17. Rearing honeybees for honey is called
18. The foot and mouth disease is caused by a
19. What are spherical bacteria called?
20. Which synthetic fibre is commonly used to make strong ropes?
21. Name one thermosetting plastic which is a good insulator and is use
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