A and B started a business after investing Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 14,400 respectively. At the end of the year B gets 12% of the total profit as management fees and the rest amount is distributed between both the partners in the ratio of their investments. If total annual profit is Rs. 7,500, then find the difference between their profits.
A) Rs. 1250
B) Rs. 600
C) Rs. 900
D) Rs. 1500
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A and B started a business after investing Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 14,400 respectively. At the end of the year B gets 12% of the total profit as management fees and the rest amount is distributed between both the partners in the ratio of their investments. If total annual profit is Rs. 7,500, then find the difference between their profits.
A) Rs. 1250
B) Rs. 600
C) Rs. 900
D) Rs. 1500★★★★✔️✔️✔️✔️
A) Rs. 1250
B) Rs. 600
C) Rs. 900
D) Rs. 1500★★★★✔️✔️✔️✔️
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here is your answer
(D)1500 is the difference between their profits
hope it helps
plz mark brainliest answer
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