English, asked by ivar19, 3 months ago

A. Answer the following in 30 – 40 words each:

1. What does the poet want to say in the poem Fire and Ice?

2. From what I've tasted of desire. Explain.

3. What difference do you find between Fire and Ice?

4. What fear does the poet have?

5. Write some examples of Fire and Ice from our day to day life.

B. Answer the following in 100 – 120 words:

Write the outline of the poem in your own words with the example of present day life.

C. Answer the following in ONE word / A sentence each:

1. Symbolism of the poem are………………..

2. What is the Rhyme Scheme of this poem?

3. What is the centre idea in the poem?

4. What is the Synonym of ‘Twice’?

5. Write an example of poetic license?

D. Read the given extract and answer the questions:

Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with these who favour fire.

1. Name the poem.

2. Write an example of alliteration from the last line.

3. What is the meaning of Fire?

4. How does the poet say that he is also a part of this world?

5. What does ‘I’ refer to ?​


Answered by huzefalance6


Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

(a) What is the poet’s opinion of the world in these lines?   [CBSE 2014]

(b) What is the poet’s opinion about the world?

(c) What is the contradictory opinion of public?

(d) How are ice and fire similar to each other though they have contradictory traits? [CBSE 2011]


(a) In the poet’s opinion the world will end in fire.

(b) According to the poet, the world will end in fire.

(c) The contradictory opinion of public is the debate whether the world will end in fire or ice.

(d) Both ice and fire are similar in the in the sense that both of them would destroy everything in the world.

Question 2.

But if it had to perish twice I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.

(a) What does ‘it’ refers to in the first line?

(b) What do you mean by ‘perish’?

(c) What does ice stand for?

(d) What would be the cause of destruction?      [CBSE 2015]


(a) ‘It’ refers to the world.

(b) Perish means to die or to be destroyed.

(c) Ice stands for coldness.

(d) Ice or fire would be the cause of destruction.

Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks each]

Question 1.

For Frost, what do ‘fire’ and ‘ice’ stand for?


The word ‘fire’ stands for desire. In the poem, it

indicates all types of greed and lust. In today’s world, mankind’s greed is endangering the very existence of the planet Earth. The word ‘ice’ in the poem indicates hatred and indifference which is as cold as ‘ice’.

Question 2.

How has Frost brought out the contrasting ideas in the poem?


‘Desire’ propels us in hot pursuit of something, hence, it is compared with fire. ‘Hatred’ makes us cold towards other’s feelings. The coldness of ice can numb our senses. Similarly, the coldness of our hearts can numb our kindness. That is why ‘hatred’ has been compared with ice.

Question 3.

Write down the two different views about the end of the world?   [CBSE 2012]


There is a debate that is going on about the end of the world. People say that the world will end in fire or in ice. World is transitory, nothing is perennial in this universe.

Question 4.

How does Robert Frost caution the common man?


Man is selfish, avaricious, lustful, indifferent and

hateful. Robert Frost cautions the common man and says that he should not forget the bitter reality that everything in this world is transitory and death is inevitable.

Question 5.

Why does the poet hold with those who favor fire?


The poet takes side with those who believe that the

world will be destroyed by fire. Frost connects fire with desire. According to the poet, desire is powerful and would be a quick end. Moreover, the fact that he has had personal experience with desire leads him to first conclude that the world will end in fire.

Question 6.

Write the sum and substance of the poem ‘Fire and Ice’.


The crystal clear message that the poet is trying to give is that nothing in this world is eternal. Everything will perish either in fire or ice. We should, thus, not forget this supreme reality and keep ourselves above all selfish matters.

Question 7.

Briefly write about the ideas about how the world will end.   [CBSE2016]


The world will end as a direct result of either fire or ice. Some scientists believed that the world would be incinerated from its fiery core, while others were convinced that the coming ice age would destroy all living things on the Earth’s surface.

Frost introduces a more emotional side, associating desire with fire and hatred with ice. The poem, thus, does not allow for any other opinions in the black and white debate between fire and ice.

Question 8.

To say that for destruction ice is also great for the poet, what does ‘ice’ stand for? How is it sufficient to bring destruction?      [ CBSE 2014]


‘Ice’ symbolizes hatred. Hate is just as powerful as desire. While desire consumes quickly, hate can occur and linger in people’s minds and hearts for years and sometimes even lifetimes. Hate consumers the hater perhaps even more than the person or group hated and it can ruin lives. Hate can, thus, be very destructive and sufficient to bring destruction.

Question 9.

‘But if it had to perish twice’. How will the world perish twice?


According to the poet, the world will end due to the ‘fire’, which symbolizes desire. But if the world had to end twice then it will be due to the hatred symbolized by ‘ice’. The poet feels that there is enough hatred in the world that is spreading among the people. This hatred will end the world one day.

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