Geography, asked by adityaraj9060pr, 11 months ago

A. Answer the following questions
1. Which period is known as the Stone Age?
2. Name the three periods into which the Stone Age is divided. Which one is the longest?
3. Name one place in India where palaeolithic remains have been found.
4. Where do the Todas live?
5. Why do we say that palaeolithic man was a nomad?
6. What were the two basic types of stone tools that palaeolithic man made?
7. What were borers used for?​


Answered by srijanighosal


1.The Stone Age began about 2.6 million years ago

2. Divided into three periods: Paleolithic (or Old Stone Age), Mesolithic (or Middle Stone Age), and Neolithic (orNew Stone Age).

Paleolithic or Old Stone Age

3. The Paleolithic remains have mainlybeen found in South India at Tanjore, Madura, Kadur, vamti, Talya; Bellary district, in areas around Madras, and in districts of Guntur, Godavari 

4. Nilgiri Hills

5. Palaeolithic man were called nomadbecause they never stopped at a single place . They always wandered from here to there in search of food.Paleolithic man were called nomadbecause they never stop just rest forone day and next day they again move here and there in search of food and water.

6. Chisel and Hoe were the basic toolsused by humans in palaeolithic age

7. 1. A tool used for drilling. 2. An insect or insect larva, such as a corn borer, that bores chiefly into the stems and trunks of plants.


plz mark my answer as the brainliest

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