CBSE BOARD XII, asked by jagdishjambe3479, 7 months ago

A B and C were partners in a firm having capital rs 60000 rs 60000 and rs 80 000 respectively their current account balances were A, rs 10000 B, rs 5000 and C rs 2000 (Dr) According to the partnership deed 10%of the profit is to be transfered to General Reserve and the partners were entitled to a salary of 12000 per annum The profit were to be divided as follows a The first rs 20 000 in proportion to their capitals b Next rs 30 000 in the ratio of 5:3:2
c Remaining profit is to be shared equally


Answered by thebraineddude


                                        (for the year ended 31st March, 2018)

Dr.                                                                                                                        Cr.

Particulars Amount  Particulars  Amount

To Salary to C 12000  By Net Profit a/c 172000

To Interest on Capital a/c

- A

- B

- C  




To Profit transferred to:

- A's Current a/c

- B's Current a/c

- C's Current a/c




 172000   172000


1. Interest on Capital a/c.....                                   Dr.        20000

             To A's Current a/c                                                           5000

             To B's Current a/c                                                           5000

             To C's Current a/c                                                           10000

(Being interest on capital transferred to the partner's current accounts)

2. Salary a/c....                                                       Dr.          12000

              To C's Current a/c                                                           12000

(Being salary provided to C)

3. Profit and Loss Appropriation a/c....                Dr.           140000

              To A's Current a/c                                                              50000

              To B's Current a/c                                                              44000

              To C's Current a/c                                                              46000

(Being profit distributed among the partners)

Working Note:

Distribution of Profit:

Profit available for distribution= 172000-12000-20000

                                                 = 140000

A's share= [20000*1/4] + [30000*5/10] + [90000*1/3]

              = 5000+15000+30000

              = 50000

B's share= [20000*1/4] + [30000*3/10] + [90000*1/3]

              = 5000+9000+30000

              = 44000

C's share= [20000*2/4] + [30000*2/10] + [90000*1/3]

              = 10000+6000+30000

              = 46000

Answered by bbaruah336


A, B and C were partners in a firm having capitals of Rs.60,000; Rs.60,000 and Rs.80,000 respectively.

Their Current Account balances were A : Rs. 10,000; B : Rs.5,000 and C : Rs.2,000 (Dr.). According to

the partnership deed 10% of the profit is to be transferred to General Reserve and the partners were

entitled to interest on capital @ 5% p.a. C being the working partner was also entitled to a salary of Rs.

12,000 p.a. The profits were to be divided as follows :

(a) The first Rs.20,000 in proportion to their capitals.

(b) Next Rs.30,000 in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2.

(c) Remaining profits to be shared equally.

The firm made a profit of Rs. 1,80,000 for the year ended 31st March, 2019 before charging any of

the above items. Prepare the Profit & Loss Appropriation Account and pass necessary journal entry

for apportionment of profit.

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