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A(B+C) (C+D) CONVERT INTO MINTERM EXPRESSION mintèrm is a Boolean expression resulting in 1 for the oùtput of a single cell, and 0s for all other cells in a Kar_na_ugh map, or truth table. If a minterm has a single 1 and the remaining cel.ls as 0s, it would ap.pear to cover a min_imum area of 1s. .
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Transfer the seven maxterms to the map below as 0s. Be sure to complement the input variables in finding the proper cell location.
We map the 0s as they appear left to right top to bottom on the map above. We locate the last three maxterms with leader lines..
Once the cells are in place above, form groups of cells as shown below. Larger groups will give a sum-term with fewer inputs. Fewer groups will yield fewer sum-terms in the result.
We have three groups, so we expect to have three sum-terms in our POS result above. The group of 4-cells yields a 2-variable sum-term. The two groups of 2-cells give us two 3-variable sum-terms.
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