a bad dream in hindi
Answer:A bad dream
Explanation:Once upon a time, Mr.Hill the manager of the bank was eating the food with her wife Mrs.Hill. The lunch was really very bad that was cooked by the annie(The cooker of the house). The annie is old and she is working here at Mr.Hill House around 20 years and then she is old. And the Mr.Hill tell the Mrs.Hill to remove the annie in his house but Mrs.Hill was telling no. Then they were thought that what did they do? Then Mr.Hill tell we remove Annie from house. Then Mr.Hill sleep and then suddenly two people knock the door he allow him to come. Then they talk to him to resign the job they ask the Mr.Hill high post people.So he tell ok if you ask him and Mrs.Hill left the home and she goes in her sister's house. And then suddenly mrs.Hill tell him to wake up. He tell him that you had gone from here and she tell I don't went anywhere. So he know that he was watching dream then he tell Mrs.Hill that we took one more cook for annie's help then Mrs.Hillalso tell yes. Then annie come and ask both that may I take a tea?