A bag contains 12 balls which are numbered from 1 to 12. If a ball is selected at random.
what is the probability that the number of the ball will be a multiple of 5 or 6?
) 0.30
C) 0.20
correct answer is D
Step-by-step explanation:
This discussion on A bag contains 12 balls which are numbered from 1 to 12. If a ball is selected at random, what is the probability that the number of the ball will be a multiple of 5 or 6 ?a)0.30b)0.25c)0.20d)1/3Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? is done on EduRev Study Group by CA Foundation Students. The Questions and Answers of A bag contains 12 balls which are numbered from 1 to 12. If a ball is selected at random, what is the probability that the number of the ball will be a multiple of 5 or 6 ?a)0.30b)0.25c)0.20d)1/3Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? are solved by group of students and teacher of CA Foundation, which is also the largest student community of CA Foundation. If the answer is not available please wait for a while and a community member will probably answer this soon. You can study other questions, MCQs, videos and tests for CA Foundation on EduRev and even discuss your questions like A bag contains 12 balls which are numbered from 1 to 12. If a ball is selected at random, what is the probability that the number of the ball will be a multiple of 5 or 6 ?a)0.30b)0.25c)0.20d)1/3Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer? over here on EduRev! Apart from being the largest CA Foundation community, EduRev has the largest solved Question bank for CA Foundation.
Step-by-step explanation:
the probability of getting a no which is multiple of 5 or 6 is 4/12, as the multiples of 5 and six b/w 1 - 12 is only 4 out of 12
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