A bar that has weights attached to its ends is more difficult to rotate than one with weights attached close to the centre of the bar.Why?
You presumably already know that in the absence of external forces, the center of mass of any collection of particles moves at a constant velocity. This is true whether they are stuck together in a single body or are just a bunch of separate bodies with or without interactions between them. We now move to a frame of reference moving at that velocity. In that frame the CofM is stationary.
Now suppose that the particles are indeed stuck together to form a rigid body. We see that the body is moving so that: 1) the CofM remains fixed, 2) all the distances between the particles are fixed. (This second condition is what is meant by a rigid body after all).
A motion with these two properties, (1) and (2), is precisely what is meant by the phrase ``a rotation about the CofM''