A black coloured solid A react with concentrated HCL to form B and pungent smelling gas C
a) Identify A,B,C
B) which of them is oxidising and reducing agent
c) Name the type of reaction
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black coloured solid A which is MnO2 reacts with HCl to form B which is MnCl2 and a pungent smelling gas C which is Cl2
O x i d i sin g space A g e n t space equals space M n O subscript 2 space
R e d u c i n g space a g e n t space equals space H C l
R e a c t i o n s space p r o c e e d s comma
M n O subscript 2 space space plus space space 4 H C l space space rightwards arrow with blank on top space C l subscript 2
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