Physics, asked by sarthakshirke11, 8 months ago

a bob is projected with speed of root 3gl from bottomost point of vertical circular motion. find angle with vertical at which bob leaves circular motion. L is the lenght of string


Answered by Anonymous


Answered by Avni2348


Whenever a body is released from height, it travels vertically downward towards the surface of earth. This is due to the force of gravitational attraction exterted on body by the earth. The acceleration produced by this force is called acceleration due to gravity and is denoted by ‘g’. Value of ‘g’ on the surface of earth is taken to the 9.8 m/s2 and it is same for all the bodies. It means all bodies (whether an iron ball or a piece of paper), when dropped (u=0) from same height should fall with same rapidity and should take same time to reach the earth. Our daily observation is contrary to this concept. We find that iron ball falls more rapidlly than piece of paper. This is due to the presence of air which offers different resistance to them. In the absence of air both would have taken same time to reach the surface of earth.

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