Math, asked by aryan291184, 2 months ago

a.Both A and R are correct; R is the correct explanation of A.
b.Both A and R are correct; R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. is correct; R is incorrect. correct; A is incorrect
A: tan 1050 = -1/3
R: tan theta <0 for theta belongs to (pie/2,pie) U (3pie/2,2pie)


Answered by shampaghoshal9

1 Answer the following

a Name the nearest star other than Sun Proxima Cendourt

b. Mention one limitation of Globe globe can't be defect sheeste part

of the earth.

c. What is the value of International Date Line?

d. What is dusk? The position of sunset is called dush

e Define Epigraphy. Lascription the study of inscription is

know as epigraphy.

E. What was core tool? The core tools were made from large stone by

sharpening the edges.

g. What is Pictography? It consisted of bectures and signs.

h. Name the oldest Veda


i. Who established his capital at Pataliputra? Both Hotspatre and chandragupt a

established it.

j. Who was the founder of Mauryan Empire? Chandraguptal was the founder of Mour

k. Name the dance form of Assam.

you Empire.


1. The term of government at any level is 5


2. Why do we see only one side of the Moon? Give reason.

3. Distinguish between Globe and Map. (Write 3 points)

4. "The meridian selected of a country is divisible by 7 degree 30 minutes"- Analyse the statement

5. Distinguish between Prehistory and History (Write 3 points)

6. Mention any three features of the town planning system of the Indus valley people.

7. Explain the Varna system of Vedic age in brief.

8. State three features of Ganasangha.

9. Discuss the role of a school and a neighbourhood in the development of a child.

Answered by anvesha8515885888


worng answer but i am fine

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