A bottle of mustard oil costs 210. If 5% GST is included in it, find the price of the bottle before the GST was levied.
Step-by-step explanation:
Bus is the more common mode more most
of transport. A bus driver drive a) ___________________
the bus or takes the passengers b) ___________________
from one place too another. These c) ___________________
drivers also drives school buses d) ___________________
to carry childrens from their e) ___________________
homes to school. The pilot flies a f) ___________________
aeroplane and moves of one country g) ___________________
to another. He carry goods and passengers. h) ___________________
Bus is the more common mode more most
of transport. A bus driver drive a) ___________________
the bus or takes the passengers b) ___________________
from one place too another. These c) ___________________
drivers also drives school buses d) ___________________
to carry childrens from their e) ___________________
homes to school. The pilot flies a f) ___________________
aeroplane and moves of one country g) ___________________
to another. He carry goods and passengers. h) ___________________
Bus is the more common mode more most
of transport. A bus driver drive a) ___________________
the bus or takes the passengers b) ___________________
from one place too another. These c) ___________________
drivers also drives school buses d) ___________________
to carry childrens from their e) ___________________
homes to school. The pilot flies a f) ___________________
aeroplane and moves of one country g) ___________________
to another. He carry goods and passengers. h) ___________________
Step-by-step explanation:
oil bottle cost =210
5%ofgl GST of bottle
take percentage
210 \times 5 \div 100