Biology, asked by psaumya067, 7 months ago

a boy came up to cope with the a snake is a which type of reflex.(conditioned,unconditioned)​


Answered by shreyam40665


A snakebite is an injury caused by the bite of a snake, especially a venomous snake.[6] A common sign of a bite from a venomous snake is the presence of two puncture wounds from the animal's fangs.[1] Sometimes venom injection from the bite may occur.[3] This may result in redness, swelling, and severe pain at the area, which may take up to an hour to appear.[1][2] Vomiting, blurred vision, tingling of the limbs, and sweating may result.[1][2] Most bites are on the hands, arms, or legs.[2][7] Fear following a bite is common with symptoms of a racing heart and feeling faint.[2] The venom may cause bleeding, kidney failure, a severe allergic reaction, tissue death around the bite, or breathing problems.[1][3] Bites may result in the loss of a limb or other chronic problems.[3] The outcome depends on the type of snake, the area of the body bitten, the amount of venom injected, and the general health of the person bitten.[5] Problems are often more severe in children than adults, due to their smaller size.[3][8][9]

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