A boy pushes a wall with a force of 10 N towards
What force is exerted by the wall on the boy?
We can't find out the actual force exerted by the wall.
But we can classify it on 2 different cases
If two bodies applies each other than the chance of moving away is impossible.
This means if a body à and body b applies same force on each other then the body a can't move body b and body b can't move body a . Since the force acting is equal.
Here body à is the boy and body b is the wall.
If body à which is stationary applies more force than the body b which is moving then body b can't move body à because the force exerted is not enough
Here in this case ,
The wall is stationary ( not moving) whereas the boy is moving if the boy applies 10 Newton's of force then the wall applies some force which is greater than 10 Newton's .
so the final conclusion is that .
The force exerted by the wall is equal to 10N
Greater than 10 N