a bullet losses 1/n of its velocity in passing through a plank.what is the last no of plank required to stop the bullet?
Explanation: let the velocity of the bullet be v. if the bullet passes through the first plank it reduces 1/n of its velocity i.e 1/n × v = v/n
since it losses this v/n velocity then the new velocity will be v - v/n = v(n-1) / n
which is the velocity of the bullet after it passes through the first plank.
now as it passes through the second plank then again it losses v/n velocity and becomes =
now as it passes through the third plank it again losses v/n of its velocity and becomes .
now lets make this as a general statement .now let the above be
where m = 1 as it passes through the first plank
m=2 as it passes through the second plank
m=3 as it passes through the third
m = m as it passes through the m th plank
for our velocity velocity v¹ = 0
= 0
which bringes us with n-m = 0
∴ m = n
so the velocity becomes zero and the bullet stops when it passes through the n th plank.