A bus is moving with a speed of 60km/h .how much distance n kilometres will it cover after 90 minutes ?
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A speed of a bus is 60 km/h. How much distance will it travel in 2h and 20 min?
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22 Answers
Profile photo for William Mccoy
William Mccoy, Bachelor of Science 7-12 Education, Miami University (1980)
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 2.6K answers and 11.6M answer views
The formula which relates distance, speed, and time is:
d = rt, where d is the distance traveled, r is the rate of travel or speed, and t is the time traveled.
Since we're given that r = 60 km./hr. and time t = 2 hrs. 20 min., then we can find time d traveled by the bus by substituting the given information into the distance-speed-time formula as follows:
d = rt
d = (60 km./hr.)(2 hrs. 20 min.)
= (60 km./hr.)(2⅓ hrs.)
NOTE: 20 minute = ⅓ of an hour.
= (60)(7/3) km.
NOTE: 2⅓ = 7/3
= (60/3)(7) km.
= (20)(7) km.
d = 140 km. is the distance a bus traveling at 60 km./hr. can travel in 2 hrs. and 20 min.