English, asked by unknown2617, 9 months ago

(a) But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine, Clashed his tails like irons in a dungeon,
With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm. Questions:
(a)Custard snored like:
(i) an engine (ii) a furnace (iii) a pipe (iv) a whistle
(b) Custard, the dragon attacked the pirate with his:
(i) head (ii) tail (iii) mouth (iv) teeth
(c) Custard squirmed making a:
(i) jingling sound (ii) harsh sound (iii) coarse sound
(d) He attacked the pirate as a __________ attacks a worm. (Fill in the right word)


Answered by garvgogia30
Your answers are:
a) 1. An engine
b) 2. Tail
c) 1. Jingling sound
d) Robin
Answered by karan7170

1)an engine


1)jingling sound


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