A capacitor is connected to a battery. If dielectric slab of strength k is now inserted between the plates to fill the space completely, then ( U is initial energy stored)
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See below.
Since the battery is connected after the insertion of the capacitor, the potential difference across the capacitor remains unchanged.
We know that the energy stored in a capacitor is given by,
After the insertion of the dielectric, the capacitance is KC where K is the dielectric constant of the slab. Hence, the energy stored becomes,
Note, that the value of V does not change.
The change in energy stored is,
Since K > 1, there will be an increase in the energy stored.
Hence, option 1 is correct.
On inserting a dielectric,
If the battery/voltage supply is connected, V ( P.D across the capacitor ) remains constant
If the battery/voltage supply is not connected, Q ( charge on the capacitor ) remains constant.
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