English, asked by shirsathvaishnavi, 11 months ago

A cardiologist and a patient.

Write a 10 line dialogue.​


Answered by hargunkaur5358


cardiologist: who is next

patient : me doctor I am not fine doctor

cardiologist: hoo ! what is your name and age ?

patient : my name is hargun doctor and my age is 25 doctor help me I am not filling good form tow three days

cardiologist: not need to fear I will help you what are you feeling?

patient : not good. and I have fiver also and sometimes I'm fall because of law energy

cardiologist: no need to worry please come back tomorrow I will test your report and you will be ok and take care of your self

patient: thanks doctor

Answered by sumakt221


A patient wants to consult with a doctor...

Patient: Good morning sir..

Doctor: Good morning....Now tell what's your problem...

Patient: I have been suffering fever from 2 days. I have had some medicine but they do not work well..

Doctor:Did you have the medicine according to any doctor's advice..??

Patient:No doctor...!!

Doctor:Its very bad...Without consulting any doctor ,none should have medicine..

Patient: Do I have anything serious?? Doctor...

Doctor: No..only a slight cold..!!

Patient:Will it last long..??

Doctor:No, not so serious..Now I am prescribing you some medicines...Take them in the given time according to the indication...I hope you will ok by 2 or 3 days..

Patient: Thank you soo much doctor..

  1. Doctor : Your most welcome...sir!!
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