a cera certain block weighs 15 Newton in air . it weighs 12 Newton when immersed in water. when immersed in another liquid , it weighs 13 Newton. the relative density of a) the block b) The Other liquid are
The relative density of
(a) The block is 5
(b) The other liquid is 2/3
Let the volume of the Block be V
Weight of the Block in air W = 15 N
If the density of the block is
When the block is placed in water it will replace water equal to its volume
The weight of this water will be equal to the bouyant force upwards on the block
The weight of the block in water
= Weight of the block in air - Bouyant force
is the density of water)
Similarly if the density of the liquid is
Dividing (2) by (1)
Thus the relative density of the liquid is 2/3
Again from equation (a) and (1)
Therefore, the relative density of the block is 5
Hope this answer is helpful.
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