English, asked by mithrashreekr, 6 months ago

A certain amplifier has a bandwidth of 22.5 kHz with a lower cutoff frequency of 600 Hz. What is the value of fcu?


Answered by farhaanaarif84


Each RC circuit causes the gain to drop at a rate of ________ dB/decade.

A. 20

B. 10

C. 6

D. none of the above

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The phase shift through the input of an RC circuit approaches ________° as the frequency approaches zero.

A. 0

B. 45

C. 180

D. 90

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A certain amplifier has a bandwidth of 22.5 kHz with a lower cutoff frequency of 600 Hz. What is the value of fcu?

A. 600 Hz

B. 22.5 kHz

C. 23.1 kHz

D. 21.9 kHz

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Internal transistor junction capacitances affect the high-frequency response of amplifiers by

A. reducing the amplifier's gain.

B. introducing phase shift as the signal frequency increases.

C. having no effect.

D. reducing the amplifier's gain and introducing phase shift as the signal frequency increases.

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What is the method that can be used to determine the values of fcl and fcu of an amplifier?

A. five time constants

B. step-response

C. sinusoidal

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