a charged insulator can be discharged by passing it just above a flame .Explain how
A flame consists of a cloud of hot ions, the overall charge is
neutral but there are many ions of both + and-charge. This
mixture of and ions means that if any charged surface is
introduced into the plume of gases it will find what ever
charges it needs to be neutralized
A charged insulator can be completely discharged by passing
it through the warm air above a Bunsen flame. The heat
energy from the flame causes the surrounding air to become
ionized, I.e. it contains 'free' negative ions (electrons) and
positively charged air molecules (due to the separation of one
or more electrons from some of the neutral air molecules). In
a gas both positively and negatively charged ions are able to
move, and the charged insulator will attract the oppositely
charged ions to it while repelling the ions of like charge. The
insulator will attract the oppositely charged ions until it
becomes neutralised, i.e. it "loses' all its charge.