Biology, asked by najmabmgl1, 3 months ago

A chemical analysis will show that 100 grams of water react with _ grams of carbon dioxide to form 180 grams of carbohydrate. a) 160 b) 260 c) 360 d) 460​


Answered by janu519



CO2 is a minute, vital and non-toxic invisible gas at 0.040% of the atmosphere that makes photosynthesis possible. Carbon dioxide is the name of a chemical compound consisting of one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen to form one molecule of carbon dioxide as symbolized by ‘CO2’.

The issue of the percentage of CO2 as only a trace gas is relevant to realize the impossibility that this vital plant food has any climate effect and in particular human emissions are not causing any climate crisis except in the minds of politicians.

Also CO2 unlike the major permanent gases Nitrogen and Oxygen is variable with concentrations unevenly spread around globe and because of its density CO2 does mix well with other gases. Key sources like volcanos and wildfires are unpredictable and uneven. Human industry is not a significant source of CO2 confirmed by the fact the recent Covid 19 lockdown of the world did not prevent increasing CO2.

At standard temperature and pressure, the density of carbon dioxide is around 1.98 kg/m3, about 1.67 times that of air. Carbon dioxide has no liquid state at pressures below 5.1 standard atmospheres (520 kPa).W

My post provides a lot of detail about CO2 because of the world wide focus on the bad idea of reducing the gas on the false theory that it is making the climate too hot.

CO2 plays a vital role at the micro level in photosynthesis for plants converting light energy into chemical energy. You need a magnifying glass to see the process and this fits with the fact the amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere are minute measured in ppm.

CO2 is invisible undergoing a chemical reaction to convert light into energy for plants - 6CO2+12H2O + Light → C6H12O6+ 6O2+ 6H2O. It is dwarfed at 0.04% of the atmosphere by Nitrogen at 78.08% and Oxygen at 20.95% and is heavier than air and does not mix well with other gases.

The attack by alarmists on CO2 is aimed at human emissions from fossil fuels. The infamous and fraudulent Paris Accord demands country reduce their human emission to net zero by imposing carbon taxes. Yet the recent lockdown from the Covid 19 pandemic is evidence that human emissions are to small to matter.

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