Physics, asked by robotsubbasubbarohit, 3 months ago

A.)choose the correct options:1)if any traffic signal indicates the yellow / amber light after the red light ,it ask the driver to:
1) get ready to stop the vehicle.
2)get ready to start the vhecle .
3) start the vechile.
4) stop the vechile.

B.)If any traffic signal Indicates green light after putting off the yellow /amber light ,the it denotes.
1) Start the vechile immediately.
2) Stop the vechile immediately.
3)get ready to start the vechile.
4)get ready to start the vechile.​


Answered by renusankhala676


so the both answer is 1q=2 and 2q=1

Answered by nainabaraily2

A is 2 and b is 1


plz mark me as brainliest

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