Math, asked by philipakano45, 7 months ago

A circular table has six chairs, out of this 6, 5 are identical. In how many ways can the six people be arranged on the chairs ?
D)720 I need solution please​


Answered by sushmitamch


If the question was to find the number of ways of making six people sit on six chairs, the answer would have been 6! which is equal to 6x5x4x3x2x1=720.

However, in the case of a circular table, we assume all the seats are similar and the only thing matters is the order of sitting, i.e; who is sitting next to whom and not who is sitting where.

Lets name the seats around the table A,B,C..F. So assume I am placing the first person somewhere around the table (at A, say) and that becomes our reference point. Now our aim is to arrange the remaining 5 persons on the seats from B to F.

Since seat A can be filled only by one person ( first person, our reference), seat B can be occupied by any of the remaining 5 ( anyone but first person who already occupied A), seat C can be occupied by any of the remaining 4 and so on..

So the number of ways 6 people can be seated around a round table becomes 1x5x4x3x2x1=120.

In other words it is equal to (n-1)!

Step-by-step explanation:

Answered by dikshant3538


If the question was to find the number of ways of making six people sit on six chairs, the answer would have been 6! which is equal to 6x5x4x3x2x1=720.

However, in the case of a circular table, we assume all the seats are similar and the only thing matters is the order of sitting, i.e; who is sitting next to whom and not who is sitting where.

Lets name the seats around the table A,B,C..F. So assume I am placing the first person somewhere around the table (at A, say) and that becomes our reference point. Now our aim is to arrange the remaining 5 persons on the seats from B to F.

Since seat A can be filled only by one person ( first person, our reference), seat B can be occupied by any of the remaining 5 ( anyone but first person who already occupied A), seat C can be occupied by any of the remaining 4 and so on..

So the number of ways 6 people can be seated around a round table becomes 1x5x4x3x2x1=120.

In other words it is equal to (n-1)!

Step-by-step explanation:

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