a close friend of yours living in new york lost his father in the terrorist attack on world trade center write a letter to console him
AT 8:46 am ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, as all the world now knows, a Boeing 767 jet flew into the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) in Lower Manhattan. Eighteen minutes later, another plane crashed into the South Tower. Within 2 hours, both towers had collapsed. The crash and the resulting fires and building collapses killed 2801 people, 147 of whom were passengers on the 2 jets.1 In the following days, millions of people in the metropolitan region were exposed to a combination of air pollution, dangerous work conditions, and psychological trauma. The attack also placed unprecedented demands on New York City’s public health, health care, and social service systems.
This article assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the city’s initial response to the attack, describes the short-term impact in the first 6 months after the attack, and suggests lessons that can inform the development of a post–September 11th agenda for strengthening urban health infrastructures. While the focus of this report is on the attack and the initial response, new reports on both short- and longer-term effects are emerging regularly. Where relevant, we refer to published studies and official reports released through September 2002. This report is based on public documents as well as presentations at a March 2002 conference, “The Public Health Aspects of September 11th.”