English, asked by ganubhav, 1 year ago

A communist form of government in china is not truly Democratic ?Justify by giving the reasons


Answered by Shobana13
》》》》 here is ur answer

*In China, elections are held regularly after 5yrs
*The national people's congress has the power to appoint the president of the country
*It has 3000 elected members and some are elected by the army
*Before contesting elections a candidate needs the approval of Chinese communist party
*Only the people who got the approval of Chinese communist party or 8 smaller parties allied to it were allowed to contest elections held in 2002-2003
*The govt. is always formed by the communist party
*In China elections do not offer the people any serious choice
*They have to choose the ruling party and the candidate approval for it.
*So the communist form of govt. In China is not truly democratic.

>>> hope it helps u
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