Accountancy, asked by paplukaaloo1713, 1 year ago

A company took a loan of ₹ 4,00,000 from Bandhan Bank Ltd. and issued 8% Debentures of ₹ 4,00,000 as a collateral security.


Answered by anamkhurshid29

that width of the circular path = h Let the radius of inner circle= r Then radius of outer circle = (r + h) Area of inner circle = πr2 Area of outer circle = π(r + h)2 Area of circular path = Area of outer circle – Area of inner circle

= π(r + h)2 – pr2 = π[(r + h)2 – r2] = π[((r + h) + r)((r + h) – r)] (∵ a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a - b)

Answered by kingofself


Particulars                                                            Debit Rs.      Credit Rs.

Bank A/c                                                      Dr.    4,00,000

     To Loan from Bandhan Bank Ltd.                                      4,00,000

(Being loan taken against issuing 8% Debentures as collateral Security ) Debenture Suspense A/c                          Dr.     4,00,000

           To 8% Debentures A/c                                                  4,00,000

(Being issued 8% Debentures as collateral security)  

Company's Balance Sheet  

                                            Balance Sheet  

Particulars                                                                 Note No.     Rs.

I. Equity and Liabilities

        1. Shareholders' Funds

       2. Non-Current Liabilities

Long-Term Borrowings                                               1         4,00,000  

Total                                                                                         4,00,000

II. Assets

   1. Non-Current Assets

   2. Current Assets

Cash and Cash Equivalents                                         2        4,00,000

Total                                                                                        4,00,000  


Note No.     Particulars                                                                 Rs.

I            Long-Term Borrowings

Secured: Loan form Bandhan Bank (Secured by issue of Debentures of Rs.4,00,000)                                                                              4,00.000

8% Debenture

(Issued as Collateral Security to Bank against loan)              4,00,000

Less: Debenture Suspense Account                  (4,00,000)      NIL


2        Cash and Cash Equivalents

            Cash at Bank                                                              4,00,000  

Alternative Method  

Particulars                                                         Debit Rs.      Credit Rs.

Bank A c                                                       Dr. 4,00,000

To Loan Form Bandhan Bank Ltd A c                                   4,00,000

(Being loan taken from Bandhan Bank secured by issuing Debentures as collateral Security )

Balance Sheet  

Particulars                                                             Note No.     Rs.

I. Equity and Liabilities

        1. Shareholders' Funds

        2. Non-Current Liabilities

        Long-Term Borrowings                                      1       4,00,000

Total                                                                                      4,00,000

II. Assets

     1. Non-Current Assets

     2. Current Assets

     Cash and Cash Equivalents                                  2       4,00,000

Total                                                                                      4,00,000  


Note No.                  Particulars                                                Rs.

1                     Long-Term Borrowings


Loan form Bandhan Bank (Secured by issue of 8% Debenture of Rs.4,00,000 as Collateral Security;                                      4,00,000

           Cash and Cash Equivalents

                 Cash at Bank                                                         4,00,000  

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