A Comparative study of disasters (any one each) affecting a plain area (Assam) and a hilly area (Arunachal Pradesh) highlighting the causes, the areas affected, their effects and the mitigation strategies.
Disasters affecting Assam area;
Assam is a low lying are .
As a result , it is prone to not one natural disaster.
The main disaster that strikes and is likely to strike Assam is floods.
Floods are caused by heavy downpours that accumulate in a poorly drained place.
Such calamities can even cause death and hence need to be curbed and preparation made prior to any rainy season.
There are different types of Natural disasters such as Cyclones, Volcanic Eruptions, Floods, Earthquakes etc,. These disasters affect different types of landforms according to their variation in height from sea level. For example if a cyclone or an earthquake occurs both the plain areas and hilly areas are affected pretty much the same. If a volcanic eruption occurs a hilly region gets affected a lot rather than the plain area , Whereas if Floods or Tsunamis occur plain areas are damaged a lot compared to Hilly areas. Tsunamis mainly hit the coastal areas.
Cyclones are caused by mixing of wind driving the sea water and lower atmospheric pressure. Safety measures for cyclones are staying inside home, always getting notified about the cyclone, switching off power and glass supplies, safe keeping pets and domestic animals, avoiding damages buildings etc,.
Earthquakes are caused by activity inside lithospheric plates. There are no preventive measures for earthquakes. People should have knowledge about where to take shelter in case of an earthquake.
Volcanic eruptions are caused by activity of magma inside an active volcano. People living in surroundings of a volcano should always alert of the volcano and leave the premises in case of eruption as soon as possible.
Tsunamis are caused by activity of tectonic plates inside sea or ocean beds, Floods can either be caused by cyclones, overflowing rivers or ruptures of dams. Both create a lot of devastation. Government should immediately respond and for rescue and evacuation teams as soon as possible. There must also be tsunami alert systems, buoys and other measures to warn people before the disaster occurs.