Science, asked by shirodkarjadinath, 5 months ago

A composite wall having three layers of thickness 0.4 m, 0.25 m and 0.15 m and of thermal conductivities 0.5, 0.3 and 0.12 W/mK, respectively, is having surface area 1 m2. If the inner and outer temperatures of the composite wall are 1820 K and 310 K, respectively, what is the rate of

heat transfer?​


Answered by Anonymous

\begin{gathered}\bold{Punctuality \: \: means \: \: the \: \: habit \: \: of \: \: doing} \\ \bold{things \: \: exactly \: \: in \: \: time. \: It \: \: is \: \: essential } \\ \bold{for \: \: men \: \: in \: \: every \: \: \: walk \: \: of \: \: life.} \\ \bold{There \: \: is \: \: a \: \: proverb \: \: that \: Time \: \: and \: \: tide} \\ \bold{wait \: \: for \: \: none. \: It \: \: is \: \: a \: \: universal \: \: truth} \\ \bold{that \: \: time \: \: is \: a \: \: thing \: \: that \: \: never \: \: learns \: } \\ \bold{stop. \: It \: \: is \: \: flying \: \: all \: the \: \: moments. \: time} \\ \bold{once \: \: passed \: \: cannot \: \: be \: \: regained. \: It \: \: is \: \: so} \\ \bold{valueable \: \: that \: \: n o\:money \: \: can \: \: buy \: \: a \: \:} \\ \bold{ passed \: \: time.}\end{gathered}Punctualitymeansthehabitofdoingthingsexactlyintime.Itisessentialformenineverywalkoflife.ThereisaproverbthatTimeandtidewaitfornone.Itisauniversaltruththattimeisathingthatneverlearnsstop.Itisflyingallthemoments.timeoncepassedcannotberegained.Itissovalueablethatnomoneycanbuyapassedtime.

\begin{gathered}\bold { \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: Everybody \: \:should \: \: be \: \:very } \\ \bold{mindful \: \:t o \: \: the \: \: proper \: \: use \: \: o f \: \: time,} \\ \bold{because \: \: life \: \: is \: \: a \: \: collection \: \: of \: \: time.} \\ \bold{We \: \: should \: \: do \: \: the \: \: right \: \: things \: \: at \: \: the} \\ \bold{right \: \: moments. \: Student \: \: should \: \: make} \\ \bold{good \: \: use \: \: of \: \: time \: \: in \: \: reading \: \:and \: \: acquiring } \\ \bold{knowledge. \: Business men\: \:should \: \: use \: \: time } \\ \bold{i n\: \: such \: \: a \: \: manner \: \: that \: \: they \: \: may \: \: prosper \: \: in} \\ \bold{their \: \: businesses. \: Success \: \: in \: \: every \: \: sphere \: \: of} \\ \bold{life \: \: depends \: \: on \: the \: \: proper \: \: use \: \: of \: \: time.} \\ \\\end{gathered}Everybodyshouldbeverymindfultotheproperuseoftime,becauselifeisacollectionoftime.Weshoulddotherightthingsattherightmoments.Studentshouldmakegooduseoftimeinreadingandacquiringknowledge.Businessmenshouldusetimeinsuchamannerthattheymayprosperintheirbusinesses.Successineverysphereoflifedependsontheproperuseoftime.

\begin{gathered}\bold{ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: Idlenes \: \: is \: \: said \: \:to \: \: be \: \: the \: \: killer } \\ \bold{of \: \: time .\: Those \: \: who \: \: spend \: \: time \: \: in} \\ \bold{idleness \: \: must \: \: suffer \: \: in \: \: life. \: We \: \: should }\: \\ \bold{not \: \:waste \: \: the \: precious \: \: moments \: \: of \: \: life \: \: } \\ \bold{in \: \: idle \: \: talk \:, \: in \: \: reading \: \: unnecessary \: \: books \: \: } \\ \bold{or \: \: doing \: \: things \: \: tha \: \: have \: no \: \: good \: \: effects.}\end{gathered}Idlenesissaidtobethekilleroftime.Thosewhospendtimeinidlenessmustsufferinlife.Weshouldnotwastethepreciousmomentsoflifeinidletalk,inreadingunnecessarybooksordoingthingsthahavenogoodeffects.

\begin{gathered}\bold{ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: Human \: \: life \: \: is \: \: precious \: .\:The \: \: value} \\ \bold{ of \: \: life \: \: is \: \: counted \: \: on \: \: the \: deeds \: \: one \: \: } \\ \bold{performs \: \:i n \: \: life \: \: and \: \: great \: \: deeds \: \: are \: } \\ \bold{performed \: \: by \: \: them \: who \: \: take \: \: care \: \: of} \\ \bold{every \: \: momen t\: \: in \: \: life. \:Time \: \: is \: \: flying \: \: fast .} \\ \bold{We \: \: must \: \: seize \: \: it \: \: before \: \: it \: \: flies \: \: away \: \: and} \\ \bold{put \: \: it \: \: to \: \: our \: \: best. \: In \: \: brief \: \: to \: \: say \: \: we \: \:all} \\ \bold{should \: \: maintain \: \: punctuality \: \: in \: \: life \: \: to \: \: get \: \: success.}\end{gathered}Humanlifeisprecious.Theval




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