English, asked by nirajrocki9738, 3 months ago

A composition of a horrible night


Answered by SlayerZed69

it was a long thundery night, we had decided to go to an old mansion, my friends had decided that would be a good place to hangout that weekend. I didn't want to go there, especially after coming to know that that place was haunted. A person was brutally killed there with an axe. He was killed by his jealous brother who couldn't stand his wealth. The person is said to now haunt the place forever seeking revenge even though the murd3r happened ages ago. I declined going there but eventually due to peer pressure... I was forced to go along. The mansion was dusty and had a weird stench. it felt like a thousand c0rpses let to rot. My friend decided it's a good idea to go though all the rooms... yes she was r3tarded don't do that if you ever go to a haunted mansion. But I guess my "manly" friends didn't think it was a bad idea and were calling me a pūssi because I didn't want to come any further. We went up the stairs to the first floor.. the main entrance door shut with a big hard bang sound. It was scary but we went up... There were portraits of people who were all staring at us.. it was creepy. Then we saw it.. a shadow lurking in the dark... adrenaline rushed in all our veins we ran towards the door the once "manly" friends had just plssed all over their pants and were near the point of crying.. the door wouldn't open so I ended up breaking a window to escape. I was the first to jump out.. I always had a bad feeling about this but I guess I was a püssi right? I had sharp glass panes in my body stinging hard but at that time I didn't care... I ran as fast as I could to my house. The next day, all our faces looked paranoid.. we were sent to mental counselor which helped us cope with the incident but it was still one of the most horrifying experiences ever.

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