English, asked by wqertyuiop, 1 year ago

a composition on pollution free India pls answer fast


Answered by tanyashankar25814

Pollution free environment is a dream that becomes a reality only in the video footages of Natgeo – we would love to have clean, fresh air to breathe, fruits and vegetables that taste as they should taste, peace and happiness in every home devoid of anger, irritation or misery. We would love to listen to the chirping of the birds and see the butterflies as they flit from one flower to another. We yearn for Utopia. Our leaders keep promising to lead us into that dreamland but, we end up in hospitals and nursing homes with cough, cold, asthma and other similar diseases that are the legacies of pollution. Some TV channels show the levels of pollution in leading cities – the concern ends there. The information comes at the end of the news and does not mean much to the viewer who is more interested in the program that follows. Those lucky few who are blessed with wealth try to lose themselves in the pollution free environment of foreign shores. They are usually accompanied by those whose primary duty is to ensure that he enjoys his holiday. But, escape is no easy – he continues to worry whether his last investment is giving results.

In order to boast of a pollution free environment, we have to analyze the reasons, identify and isolate them and take corrective action. The largest culprit is the automobiles that spew fumes. Plenty of measures have been laid out to arrest such pollution but ensuring their implementation is difficult. A solution could be to encourage the use of bicycles or solar powered or electrical vehicles till tele-transportation Star Wars style becomes a reality. Organizations could consider introducing incentive schemes to promote projects of this nature – it will revive the tramways. Employees who declare that they commute to work by metro rail or by the tram would be eligible for bonus marks at the time of the annual performance review.

Such thoughts have a gloomy side – the automobile manufacturers would feel threatened while the bi-cycle and battery manufacturers would be elated. Also, professionals of the medical fraternity would nurse ill will against those who support the drive for a pollution free environment because it will imply less risk of falling sick, hence fears of loss in earnings. If only some one could work out a compromise.

Answered by Anonymous


  • The main causes of environmental pollution. About 35% of India's total area is seriously polluted. Three-quarters of the land is water, but there
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