Economy, asked by nkalitabbbb4098, 1 year ago

A computer has found for a give set of values of x, y and z : rxy= 0.40,rxy=0.50 and rxy= 0.30


Answered by rahularyan720


If r is significant and the scatter plot shows a linear trend, the line can be used to predict the value of y for values of x that are within the

Answered by sourasghotekar123


Yes, it is possible that these calculations are error-free. ​


  • When one of the variables is connected to the other in some way, there is a correlation between the two. The most effective starting point is a scatterplot.
  • A graph of the paired (x, y) sample data with a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis is called a scatterplot (or scatter diagram). Each unique (x, y) pair is represented by a single point on the graph.
  • the x1, x2 partial correlation coefficient, with x3 held constant. The symbol for this is r123.
  • The line can be used to forecast the value of y for values of x that are within the range of significance if r is significant and the scatter plot has a linear trend.


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