Math, asked by tk95332, 6 months ago

A computer is reliable as it can process data and carry out function with and. for a long time​


Answered by MrPrince07


Data procesing refers to the transformating raw data into meaningful output.

Data can be done manually using a pen and paper, mechanically using simple devices eg typewritter or electronically using modern dat processing toolseg computers

Data collection involves getting the data/facts needed for processing from the point of its origin to the computer

Data Input- the collected data is converted into machine-readable form by an input device, and send into the machine.

Processing is the transformation of the input data to a more meaningful form (information) in the CPU

Output is the production of the required information, which may be input in future.

The difference between data collection and data capture.

Data capture is the process of obtaining data in a computer-sensible form for at the point of origin (the source document itself is prepared in a machine-sensible form for input)

Data collection involves getting the original data to the ‘processing centre’, transcribing it, converting it from one medium to another, and finally getting it into the computer.

Relevance of the term garbage in garbage out (GIGO) in reference to errors in data processing.

The accuracy of the data entered in the computer directly determines the accuracy of the information given out.

Give and explain two transcription and two computational errors committed during data processing.

Misreading errors: -they occur when the user reads source document incorrectly, thus entering wrong values, e.g. a user may confuse 5 in the number 586 with S, and type S86 instead.

Transposition errors: - they result from incorrect arrangement of characters (i.e., putting characters in the wrong order especially when keying data onto a diskette), e.g. the user may enter 396 instead of 369 computational errors

Overflow errors: -An overflow occurs if the result from a calculation is too large to fit in the allocated memory space, e.g., if the allocated memory space is able to store an 8-bit character, then an overflow will occur if the result of the calculation gives a 9-bit number.


Truncation: 0.784969 784

Rounding error:30.6666 7

Algorithm or ,logical errors

Data integrity.

Data integrity refers to the dependability, timeliness, availability, relevance, accuracy & completeness of data/information

Threats to data integrity

Backing up the data on external storage media

Enforcing security measures to control access to data

Using error detection & correction software when transmitting data

Designing user interfaces that minimize chances of invalid data being entered.


Data processing methods

1. Manual Data Processing

In manual data processing, data is processed manually without using any machine or tool to get required results. In manual data processing, all the calculations and logical operations are performed manually on the data. Similarly, data is transferred manually from one place to another. This method of data processing is very slow and errors may occur in the output. Mostly, is processed manually in many small business firms as well as government offices & institutions. In an educational institute, for example, marks sheets, fee receipts, and other financial calculations (or transactions) are performed by hand. This method is avoided as far as possible because of the very high probability of error, labor intensive and very time consuming. This type of data processing forms the very primitive stage when technology was not available or it was not affordable. With the advancement in technology the dependency on manual methods has drastically decreased.

2. Mechanical Data Processing

In mechanical data processing method, data is processed by using different devices like typewriters, mechanical printers or other mechanical devices. This method of data processing is faster and more accurate than manual data processing. These are faster than the manual mode but still forms the early stages of data processing. With invention and evolution of more complex machines with better computing power this type of processing also started fading away. Examination boards and printing press use mechanical data processing devices frequently.

3. Electronic Data Processing

Electronic data processing or EDP is the modern technique to process data. The data is processed through computer; Data and set of instructions are given to the computer as input and the computer automatically processes the data according to the given set of instructions. The computer is also known as electronic data processing machine.

This method of processing data is very fast and accurate. For example, in a computerized education environment results of students are prepared through computer; in banks, accounts of customers are maintained (or processed) through computers etc.

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