A conclusion on natural vegetation and wildlife
Conclusions The role of each species in the ecosystem is to play. So protection of the ecosystem is essential. Due to the destruction and imbalance of the ecosystem, the greedy predators who hunt wild animals for commercial purposes are the main reason for this great danger for nature. Pollution due to chemical and industrial waste. Introduction to foreign species. Reckless cut of the forest to bring land under the fields and residences. Steps taken by the Government of India to protect the flora and fauna of County 1. Fourteen areas have been declared as biosphere reserves. Four of them have been included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserve. They are ... Sundarbans in West Bengal, Nand Devi in Uttaranchal, Nilgiris Bay of Mannar in Tamil Nadu
Since 1992, financial and technical assistance is being provided by the government to many Botanical Gardens. III. Project Tiger, Project Rhino, Project Great Indian Bustard and many other ecological development projects have been started to preserve the creatures of this country. Fourth 89 National Parks, 49 Wildlife Sanctuaries and Zoological Parks have been set up to take care of natural national heritage
Project Tiger In 1972, Wildlife Conservation Project was launched in India to protect Bengal Tigers. It was launched on April 1, 1973 and it has become one of the most successful wildlife conservation enterprises. The purpose of the project is the goal of tiger conservation in a specially formed tiger reservoir. It attempts to maintain viable tiger populations in its natural environment. In 2007, 28 projects were tiger wildlife reservoirs which covered the area of 37,761 sq km. 'Project Tiger' has helped increase the population of these tigers from 1,200 to 1,500 to 3,500 in the 1970s, as citizens of each of us, to distort every ecosystem, our little Talk. Let's not pollute our land and water, let us not kill our animals or birds, spread awareness about the need to preserve our environment for the future
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