a conjurer pitied a tailor- latter knew only one trade- would be in distress if people should give up clothes- conjurer knew many tricks- so he would never be in a difficulty- famine hits the land- tailor managed to live, for people could not do without clothes - but they had no money to throw away on tricks - conjurer managed to beg from the tailor. write a story
Once upon a time in the mystical land of Eldorado, there lived a famous conjurer. The conjurer was renown for his inumerable tricks. He could make things disappear and reappear at will.
People from far flung towns thronged to see the conjurer. They would be awed by his magic and tricks. The conjurer felt like a king while on stage.He often mocked the poor tailor who mended his clothes.
He pitied a tailor so much that he would often reject the custom robes that were made for him.He demanded that his robes be made from the finest silk.
The tailor knew only one trade and he was at the mercy of the twon people for his sustenance. He would rise at dawn and work throughout the day at the numerous orders placed by the conjurer.
The tailor had his work as his only source of income and he knew that he would be in distress if the people should give up clothes.On the onther hand the conjurer knew many tricks that often befuddled and astonished people.He boasted that he would never repeat a trick in his lifetime.
He was so confident that he would never run out of gold.He had arranged with the merchants to supply all the fine goods at a lower price so he would never be in a difficulty to pay them back.
Unfortunately there was a very harsh famine that hit the land. Hundreds of people perished from the lack of food. The tailor was able to live through the famine due to his habit of storing grain in his grannaries.
People were forced to walk with threadbare clothing. They were also forced to do without entertainment. Many resorted to begging while others strated stealing.
They simply had no money to waste on tricks.The conjurer was forced to eat humble pie and beg for grain from the tailor. He was so deep in debt that he could not even afford one robe from the tailor.
#answerwithquality #BAL