A conversation Between Two Teachers For Two students of our class
Ist Teacher- how are you.
1st student- I am fine.
2nd teacher is arrived and said- I known you area boy that name ram.
Immediately,2nd boy arrived and said that yes sir he is that boy.
Here is the conversation
1st teacher (addressing a student ):
I think you are the one who achived the gold medal last week.
1st student: Good morning sir . Yes sir, I am that student . My name is Tony.
1st teacher: Tony Saw, isn't it???
1st student: Yes sir.
2nd teacher approaching with 2nd
1st teacher: Good morning sir.
1st student: Good morning sir.
2nd teacher: Good morning, Rakesh have you got that student??
1st student: Excuse me sir I am that student.
2nd Teacher: Tony Saw, right????
1st student: Yes sir.
2nd Teacher:Rakesh come with me.
1st and 2nd teacher exits.
2nd student: Tony do you know they are going to honor you tommorow.
1st student: Really?????
2nd student: Yes I overheard them. Let's go to class to tell everyone.
Both hurried away.