a cotton shirt, before it reaches you , completes a long journey.Elaborate this journey starting from cotton balls.
Ginning-The raw fibres are separated from the seeds by a process called Ginning.Ginning is done by machines called cotton gins. Dirt and other waste are also removed.The separated seeds,if not damaged can be used to grow more cotton plants.
Carding- The cotton fibres are straightened and arranged so that they are easier to spin into threads. The fibres may also be combed to remove the short fibres.
Spinning-The clean straightened cotton fibres are spun into yarn by a process called spinning. Spinning draws out the short fibres from the mass of cotton and twists them together into long, continuous thread.Spinning is the process of transforming cotton fibres into yarn or thread.
Weaving- The yarn is woven into cotton cloth by weaving. Special machines called looms are used to weave the cloth.
Weaving is the process of arranging two threads of yarn together to get a fabric.