A couple of your friend frequently absent themselves from school to spend time at the local malls. They have been pressurising you to do the same. a) How this makes you feel. b) What you think could be the best way to make them understand that that's wrong.
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Malls have become a great attraction, especially for children. It would be an understatement to just say that I feel bad on coming to know about my friends absenting themselves from school to loiter around in the malls. By doing this, they are deceiving their parents, breaking school discipline, but most of all cheating themselves by missing out on valuable lessons and indulging in an act of gross misconduct.
I shall make use of the first opportunity to counsel them. I shall tell them there is always a time for everything. They should go to the malls, after informing their parents, preferably during week-ends.
I shall make use of the first opportunity to counsel them. I shall tell them there is always a time for everything. They should go to the malls, after informing their parents, preferably during week-ends.
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