a couple of your friends frequently absent Absent from school to spend time at a local malls they have been pressure you to do same discuss how does make you feel what do you think would be the best way to make them understand that is wrong.
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I will feel that they shouldn't do like this. And I too don't wanna join them at any cost! I will make them understand first how much it will affect their future if they are missing classes like this. Then they won't understand the concepts, and at last they will fail in exams too. They will be punished if they didn't do their homeworks. And going to malls is not necessary one at this age. Even they can spend their whole day out there after growing big. Is this what they are doing?! I will tell them to think about their parents once. I hope this will completely change them.
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This is very bad and if u talk about me I will never go with him whatever he says to me.First try to understand him that it is bad as by missing classes he is disturbing his future as if he keep on missing the lectures he is loosing knowledge and he should understand that his parents are giving fees by their hard work and its very hard to gain a penny also.And in future he will fail in doing regular works,homeworks and will fail in exams also.These are my opinions please select my answer as..............
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