A Credit card company allows a limit to spend ₹15000 to its clients. It also offers cash back facility according to the table shown below.
Amount Cashback
First ₹1000 ₹100
Next ₹2000 ₹200 + 2% of amount exceeding ₹1000
Next ₹4000 ₹400 + 4% of amount exceeding ₹3000
Next ₹8000 ₹800 + 8% of amount exceeding ₹8000
Write a program to declare the class 'Credit' that takes in the name of the client and the amount spend by him. Calculate the cash back amount and print it along with the other input details. Assume there are 20 clients. Take details and print the output for each of them one by one.
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Credit card company allows a limit to spend ₹15000 to its clients. It also offers cash back facility according to the table shown below. Write a program ...
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