A cultural program is being organized in your sector to help patients suffering from Kovid-19. Write a notice on behalf of Lions Club Secretary Manish Tiwari to all the residents to participate in the event.
A cultural program is being organized in your sector to help patients suffering from Covid-19. Write a notice on behalf of Lions Club Secretary Manish Tiwari to all the residents to participate in the event.
- Here, spalling mistake is given. K at the place of C in Covid-19.
Lion Sports Club
Date- 2nd January 2021
The is to inform you that we are organising a cultural program to help patients suffering from Covid-19. This program will help people suffering from Covid-19 recover faster. This will be live telecasted on DoorDarshan channel.
Interested candidates can apply for this program. All are welcomed. For registering a meeting will be done online. Further we will tell you in another notice.
Manish Tiwari
Lion Sports Club
- A notice should always be written in a box.
- If you will not your marks will be deducted.
Format for Notice Writing (1):-
Format of Notice Writing(2):-
- Please see the above formats in web (brainly.in) as they may not be visible in the app.
- Link for the Question:-
A cultural program is being organized in your sector to help patients suffering from Kovid-19. Write a notice on behalf ...https://brainly.in/question/32402367?utm_source=android&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=question