a day I will always remember essay
It was a calm, windy day in the ocean. At eight in the morning, my dad and I decided to go to the ocean early for a dip and so we were there.
My family and I were on a boat, which was undulating continuously in the middle of the ocean. As the boat moved farther into the ocean, I heard the seagull’s irritating voice nearby, but that day nothing could spoil my mood. I bent down to observe the ocean, which was as serene as ever. I saw corals, sea grass and sea anemone with clownfish and stingrays. It was a lovely sight. After a while I wanted to swim, so I wore my swimsuit and swimming gear and dived.
I felt the balmy turquoise water all around me. All of a sudden, I felt something nudge me. I shuddered and thought, “What if these are sharks!” as I turned around to look, I saw a baby dolphin squeaking and it’s mother behind it. My face lit up at the sight of them. As I had never been so close to a dolphin before. A few moments later, the dolphins let out another squeak, which to me felt like goodbye because after that, they went away.
I swam a lot more and saw clams and oysters, even sea urchins. At last, I came up to the surface and clambered into the boat. I noticed that the tranquil blue sky had turned into a dark orange. The waves became choppy and puffins were flying back to their homes. After having one last look at the ocean, we set off for the shore.
We had quite an undisturbed day and I really enjoyed because all was so quiet and peaceful. That was a day, I will always remember.
Answer :
Staring my first day of my senior year is a day I will always remember. I didn’t know how to feel when I woke up to get dressed for school that morning. I was mad I had to wake up so early to go to school but at the same time I was excited to be starting my last first day.
I was very excited to finally be the top dogs of the school. All the under classman were finally going to be looking up to me like I did all those years prior. Feeling as your’re the most important in the school is a very special feeling. Realizing that you get picked for more things and picked first because your a senior and it’s your last year for everything is a sad and bittersweet moment.
Seniors had to be prepared for how different the teachers were going to treat them, more like young adults than ever. That’s what I was most excited for to finally be seen as young adults that were ready to move on and enter the real world in a year.
Coming back to school on the first day after summer break everyone was happy to be back to see all of their friends. We may have hung out over the summer a couple of times but we were back to seeing each other everyday for another 180 days. It was also nice to be back and see all the teachers from the long break off.
Now by the end of the year, I am excited to be graduating but also at the same time a little upset. If I could go back to the start of the school year to just relive the first day of school to feel the excited all over again I would. I will miss being at the top of the school and everyone looking up to me because next year I’m right back at the beginning, as a freshman looking up to upper classman again.