a day in a zoo questions answer
A day at the zoo!

On Saturday we had our day out at the Zoo. We try to run trips over holiday periods so that families, who may not otherwise be able to get out and do things due to financial worries, are able to take part in fun activities with their children.
In the morning, the families that came were able to explore the zoo on their own and spend some time together. We gave out cameras and asked everyone to document their journey, take some photo's and show us their favourite animals. These will be turned into scrapbooks for the young people who came with us.
We met up in groups for lunch, giving parents and children a chance to meet and share some time. Nick and Di took all the children to the park, so the adults could have some time being adults! Lunch was a great chance for everyone to talk about their mornings, check the maps and see what was still to be seen, the kids really enjoyed working together to tick off all the different animals and plan the rest of the day around the park. Straight after lunch, we went to see the dinosaur exhibit (Which was an amazing experience may we add!).

best animal photo?
We gave all the children a challenge to take the best picture of the day. C, who is eight took this picture of a penguin.

S, who is also 8 took this picture of an Okapi (we all thought it was a cross between a horse and a zebra!)

some facts from e...
E, who is 5... Wanted to share his favourite parts of the day.
Favourite place: The bug house
Best animal: The snakes
Best bit about the day: Getting to see the tarantula talk and get REALLY close to it afterwards.
One new thing: Getting to go on the underground to the Zoo
One thing I learnt: That fish have scales over their eyes, which is why their eyes often seem cloudy. They are really tough and keep their eyes safe