English, asked by zainmd6834, 1 month ago

A day when everything went wrong is a day when...


Answered by Anonymous


A Day When Everything Went Wrong

Life has its ups and downs, highs and lows. Sometimes you feel as if you are on top of the world, other times you feel as if everyone or everything has turned against you.

I vividly recall a day when nothing went as I expected. Everything seemed out to get me, to trick me. It was the hardest test of my patience and perseverance. Though I would like very much to forget that day, till today I still have nightmare recalling it and wish I do not have to relive the same again.

The day happened more than twenty years ago when I was a form two student. It was a black Tuesday. I was supposed to be at school before 7a.m. I set the alarm clock at 5a.m. but my alarm clock was damaged. When I woke up, it was…show more content…

Suddenly Ms Tan’s sharp voice broke the silence. “Where’s your exercise book and textbook, Mordiah?” I was too shock to respond. “Now, I want you to stand outside the class room!” Again I was punished for forty minutes. It was really shameful as every student who passed by my classroom would whisper to me and ask me what had happened.

I was very hungry as I missed my breakfast. I was hoping that I could fill my stomach after my History lesson. When the bell rang for recess, I was overjoyed as I could buy my favourite food in the school canteen. I was as hungry as a hungry horse so I ran quickly to the canteen. It was then I realized that I did not bring enough money. I only had a ringgit left to pay for my bus fare. I tried to borrow some money from my friends but they all did not bring enough money to lend me. Sadly I returned to the classroom with my empty stomach. I had to bear approximately another three hours before I could go home for lunch. To ease my hunger I had to swallow the tap water from the sink in the toilet. Though it was unhygienic, I had no choice.

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