a day without internet essay for class 6
Now a days internet got a big popularity. There are some advantages and dis advantages . So a day without internet is very useful for some users but it takes lot of problems for the users who use internet for useful things.
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Internet has made everyone’s life very easy and simple as we no longer need to go outside for paying bill, shopping, seeing movie, business transactions, etc. It has been an essential part of our life means we can say that without it we face lots of problems in our daily lives. Because of its easiness and usefulness, it is used everywhere such as workplace, offices, schools, colleges, banks, education institutions, training centres, shops, railways station, airports, restaurants, hotels, malls, and most importantly at home by each members for different purposes.
Once we take the internet connection by paying money to the Internet Service Provider, we can access the internet facility anytime from any corner of the world for one week or month according to the internet plan we have taken.